Shibboleth Service Provider Configuration Generator

UW-Madison NetID Login Service - Qa

Shibboleth SP Version(3.0 (Fresh Install))
Administrator Email(
Site Type (IIS or Apache)
IIS Site ID(Leave Blank for Apache)
Site URL to Secure(
Max. session lifetime (seconds)(28800 (8 hours))
Idle session timeout (seconds)(1800 (30 minutes))
Notice: This form will generate a shibboleth2.xml configuration file for the Shibboleth SP component.
It does not automatically activate or add your site to any Federations!

After clicking 'Generate' this form will send you a shibboleth2.xml file which you must
place in C:\opt\shibboleth-sp\etc\shibboleth (Windows) or /etc/shibboleth (Unix)

Contact after you have completed this step.
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